Te di ojos y boca para llorar, exhibition photo.
Te di ojos y boca para llorar, detail of fog pouring out from mouth.
Te di ojos y boca para llorar, exhibition photo.

Glazed stoneware, water, pond mister, internal sound-speaker, blue-tooth audio player, voice recording, wood plinth, water-proof black paint.

Ceramics: 31cm high x 25cm diameter wide | Plinth: 150cm x 45cm x 45cm | 8:26 min audio recording

Paired set of ceramic vessels that belong to an undetermined ancient people. The sculpture is formed by human facial features that tessellate, with each profile presenting a different pained expression. The vessels are haunted by a chorus of keening voices and a ghostly fog.

This piece is a commission for Silent Sister (LA) and was presented at Boring Entertainment at Casa Versalles (Mexico City, July 2024). The work was exhibited a second time at cieno lodo fango at Studio Croma (Mexico City, Oct-Nov 2024).

You can listen to the spectral chorus here:

Catalina Barroso-LuqueCeramic ghosts