Reproductive Technologies | Tecnologias Reproductivas

Curated reading group & event, Market Gallery 2018 – lead committee member.

A five month reading group intended as a prolonged conversation towards a sustained event which took place July 2018. The selected texts respond to reproduction in a variety of meanings, exploring the position of bodies in system of production and reproduction. Texts:

‘Baroque Technopatriarchy’ by Paul B. Preciado (Art Forum)
‘A New Way to Reproduce’ by Antonio Regalado (MIT Technology Review)
‘Bloodchild’ Octavia E. Butler
‘Organs without Bodies’ from Nomadic Subjects by Rosi Braidotti
‘The Argonauts’ by Maggie Nelson.

Day event:

Building on the reading group’s discussions, this curated event sought to address: How do notions about gender, motherhood, and sexual difference emerge from and within new scientific technologies? How does language re-produce and consume these different bodies?

The event included a screening of work by Victoria Sin; a reading of a specially commissioned text by Kirsty Hendry; new work produced by Alexander Hetherington; and a performative lecture by Melanie Jackson.

Victoria Sin Narratives on Looking
Victoria Sin Narratives on Looking
Melanie Jackson From Lactic Abstractions to Xenoestrogens
Melanie Jackson From Lactic Abstractions to Xenoestrogens
Melanie Jackson From Lactic Abstractions to Xenoestrogens
Melanie Jackson From Lactic Abstractions to Xenoestrogens
Kirsty Hendry Readers Digest